The National Data Sharing Arrangement
National Data Sharing Arrangement (NDSA) Direct Care APIs (GP Connect products)
- Contents
- Background
- Purpose of this NDSA
- Parties to this NDSA
- Definitions
- Obligations of the Parties in relation to Shared Personal Data
- Confidentiality Obligations
- Accession to this NDSA
- Termination of this NDSA
- Role of NHS England and Enforcement
- Variation of this NDSA
- Governing law
- Annex 1: Sharing of personal data
- Annex 2: NHS England Connection Agreement and End User Organisation Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
- Annex 3: Joint Controller Arrangements
(a) Direct Care Application Programming Interfaces (API) (Direct Care APIs) is a service set up by NHS England under the Digital Operability Directions 2019, to allow GP practices to share clinical information quickly, efficiently, and safely, in line with Agreed Purposes. APIs make patient data held on accredited practice clinical systems available securely to health and social care organisations and Approved Private Providers for the provision of Direct Care. This service is known as 'GP Connect' to the wider NHS.
(b) The use of GP Connect for indirect care or purposes beyond individual care purposes is prohibited. [1]
(c) GP Connect is an evolving service and additional Products may be added to the service and/or care settings may be expanded. In such circumstances, notification of such changes will be provided to the Parties via the Portal and GP Connect web page.
[1] The Information Governance Review defines 'indirect care' or 'purposes beyond individual care', as "Activities that contribute to the overall provision of services to a population as a whole or a group of patients with a particular condition, but which fall outside the scope of direct care. It covers health services management, preventative medicine, and medical research. Examples of activities would be risk prediction and stratification, service evaluation, needs assessment, financial audit."
This NDSA sets out the purpose and the legal basis upon which the Shared Personal Data can be made available and accessed through GP Connect. Personal Data must only be shared and used in accordance with the Agreed Purposes.
Parties to this NDSA are described as Providers and Consumers, depending on the capacity in which they are acting. A Party may act as both a Consumer and a Provider pursuant to this NDSA.
NHS England is not a party to this NDSA however it is understood by the Parties that NHS England has been directed under the Digital Operability Platform Directions 2019 to establish and operate the GP Connect system, and is acknowledged that NHS England has certain rights in relation to GP Connect, as set out in this NDSA, including (but not limited to) 8 (Termination), 9 (Enforcement and Provision of Information) and 10 (Variation), and Annex 1 (Audit) of this NDSA.
Notwithstanding the above, the Parties acknowledge that NHS England is responsible for the secure operation and functionality of GP Connect and for the purposes of managing the transfer of data across the service and to oversee compliance with this NDSA. See Annex 1 for details of the activities carried out by NHS England.
In addition to the obligations contained within this NDSA, the Parties are bound by the conditions of the End User Organisation Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), and in some limited circumstances as set out in Annex 1, may be bound by the NHS England Connection Agreement, contained in Annex 2.
IT IS AGREED as follows:
Agreed Purposes: shall have the meaning as set out in Annex 1;
Approved Private Providers: means a private provider of healthcare services who has been approved and assured by NHS England for access to GP Connect as a Provider and/or Consumer;
Consumer: means an organisation providing health and (including Approved Private Providers) or medical examiners reviewing a death pursuant to the Coroners and Justice Act 2009, and who accesses Shared Personal Data through GP Connect and who has been approved and assured by NHS England as having demonstrated that such access is lawful and necessary for the Agreed Purposes;
Controller, Joint Controller, Processor, Data Subject, Personal Data, Personal Data Breach, Processing, Special Categories of Personal Data: shall have the meanings as set out in Data Protection Legislation;
Data Protection Legislation: means (i) the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), (ii) the Data Protection Act 2018, and (iii) any other laws and regulations which may apply;
Data Sharing Relationship: means the relationship which arises where one Party accesses Shared Personal Data made available by another Party;
Direct Care: means "A clinical, social or public health activity concerned with the prevention, investigation and treatment of illness and the alleviation of suffering of individuals. It includes supporting individuals' ability to function and improve their participation in life and society. It includes the assurance of safe and high-quality care and treatment through local audit, the management of untoward or adverse incidents, person satisfaction including measurement of outcomes undertaken by one or more registered and regulated health or social care professionals and their team with whom the individual has a legitimate relationship for their care."; [2]
Environmental Information Regulations (EIR): means the Environmental Information Regulations 2004;
FOI: means the Freedom of Information Act 2000;
Law: means any law, subordinate legislation within the meaning of Section 21(1) of the Interpretation Act 1978, byelaw, enforceable right within the meaning of, regulation, order, regulatory policy, mandatory guidance or code of practice, judgment of a relevant court of law, or directives or requirements in force in England and Wales with which the Parties are bound to comply;
Medical Examiners Use Case: is the use of GP Connect to enable healthcare providers to comply with their obligations under the Access to Health Records Act 1990, which requires them to provide medical examiners with medical records relating to deceased individuals for the purposes of reviewing a death pursuant to the Coroners and Justice Act 2009;
Party, Parties: means health and social care organisations and Approved Private Providers who have accepted the NDSA;
Portal: means the National Data Sharing Portal for GP Connect, the portal through which organisations which use GP Connect may be onboarded;
Products: means the various GP Connect products that may be made available to the Parties, as listed at;
Provider: means a health and social care organisation or Approved Private Provider that makes available Shared Personal Data via GP Connect;
Shared Personal Data: means Personal Data, including confidential patient information, contained within a patient's GP record, which a Provider makes available, and a Consumer accesses;
SPINE: is a collection of national applications, services and directories that support the NHS in the exchange of information across national and local NHS systems;
Technical and Organisational Obligations: means the obligations set out in Annex 1 in respect of the technical and organisational measures to be put in place in relation to the Shared Personal Data.
[2] National Caldicott Guardian for Health and Care : Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-outs - GOV.UK ( 2016
Subject to clause 5(o), each Party agrees that it shall process the Shared Personal Data as an independent Controller and each shall comply with the applicable Data Protection Legislation. For the avoidance of doubt, no Party acts as a data Processor on behalf of any other Party.
Each Party acknowledges that:
(a) access to Shared Personal Data shall be facilitated by NHS England;
(b) when acting as a Consumer, they are required to indicate via the Portal which Products they wish to use;
(c) when acting as a Consumer, they are requesting access to the Shared Personal Data to help make informed decisions about a patient’s care and wellbeing at the point of care;
(d) when acting as a Provider they are confirming that any Party acting as Consumer may access the Shared Personal Data, subject to the terms of this NDSA;
(e) ensure that, where relevant, any electronic patient record (EPR) suppliers (acting as their data processors) have successfully completed NHS England’s live service onboarding process and accepted the conditions upon which they may connect to GP Connect;
(f) it shall ensure that it is able to demonstrate compliance with its obligations under this NDSA and shall Process the Shared Personal Data in accordance with the terms of this NDSA and for the Agreed Purposes only. The Parties shall not process the Personal Data in a way that is incompatible with this NDSA;
(g) it shall ensure that it has a relevant legal basis for its Processing of the Shared Personal Data and be responsible for its own compliance with Articles 12, 13 and 14 ('Transparency') of the UK GDPR. Each Provider and Consumer shall give full information to any Data Subject whose Personal Data may be shared regarding the nature of the Processing (which shall be recorded and accessible via the Portal or such other mechanism as notified to the Parties by NHS England). This includes advising that, on the termination of this NDSA, Shared Personal Data relating to them may be retained by the Consumer or transferred to one or more other organisations if shared for Direct Care purposes or the Medical Examiners Use Case;
(h) taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the Processing, as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of data subjects, it shall, with respect to its Processing of Personal Data as Controller, implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to that risk, including, as appropriate, the measures referred to in Article 32 of the UK GDPR as well as the Technical and Organisational Obligations described in Annex 1;
(i) it must ensure that all employees who have access to the Shared Personal Data have undergone training in the Data Protection Legislation and confidentiality in line with each Controller's mandatory training programme;
(j) it shall meet the applicable standards set out in the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT). Each Provider and Consumer must have a current valid DSPT submission of 'Standards met'. Where standards are not met, it must be approaching the standards of the DSPT, in accordance with the action plan as agreed by NHS England;
(k) it shall maintain a record of its Processing activities in accordance with Data Protection Legislation and shall provide evidence to any other Party, upon reasonable request;
(l) it shall provide reasonable assistance to each other regarding any communications from the Information Commissioner's Office, or other competent authority concerning compliance with Data Protection Legislation;
(m) any requests by a Data Subject in relation to their information rights under the Data Protection Legislation (including access to medical records will be dealt with by the receiving organisation in accordance with their processes for handling such information requests;
(n) in respect of any request received in accordance with clause 5 (k) and (l)), any relevant Party shall provide any information and/or assistance as reasonably requested by the receiving Party to help it respond to the request, such assistance to be at the cost of the receiving Party;
(o) it shall promptly notify the other Party upon it becoming aware of any Personal Data Breach relating to Personal Data provided by the other Party for the Agreed Purposes and shall:
- (i) do all such things as reasonably necessary to assist the other Party in mitigating the effects of the Personal Data Breach;
- (ii) implement any measures necessary to restore the security of any compromised Personal Data;
- (iii) work with the other Party to make any required notifications to the Information Commissioner's Office and affected Data Subjects in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation (including the timeframes set out therein); and
- (iv) not do anything which may damage the reputation of the other Party or that Party’s relationship with the relevant Data Subjects, save as required by Law.
(p) Notwithstanding the above, the Parties acknowledge that in certain limited circumstances, as detailed in the purposes section of Annex 3, a Provider and Consumer may act as Joint Controllers in respect of the Shared Personal Data. In such instances the Parties will comply with the obligations set out at Annex 3.
5.1 Additional obligations of Parties acting as Providers
In addition to the obligations listed above, Providers shall:
(a) take reasonable steps to ensure that Shared Personal Data is accurate and up-to-date at the point of sharing; and
(b) have in place appropriate processes to make any changes to the Shared Personal Data as are necessary in connection with the exercise of data subject rights under the Data Protection Legislation.
5.2 Additional obligations of Parties acting as Consumers
In addition to the obligations listed at section above, Consumers shall:
(a) Use information obtained from GP Connect only for the Agreed Purposes and not for any other purpose(s);
(b) inform the Provider in a timely manner if they become aware that any of the Shared Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete;
(c) not retain Shared Personal Data for longer than is necessary to in connection with the Agreed Purposes, unless as part of the provision of Direct Care, the Shared Personal Data is added to the Consumer's own care record or if necessary for the purposes of the Medical Examiners Use Case.
(a) The Parties recognise that information to which access is granted under this NDSA is by its nature subject to a duty of confidentiality and has been provided in circumstances where it is expected that a duty of confidence applies.
(b) For the purposes of this Arrangement 'Confidential Information' may refer to:
- (i) Personal Data or Special Category Personal Data (as defined in the UK GDPR);
- (ii) Confidential Patient Data (as defined by the NHS Act 2006)
(c) Subject to clause 6d, the Consumer agrees:
- (i) not to disclose Confidential Information to any third party or to use it to the detriment of the Provider;
- (ii) to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information; and
- (iii) to not access, or attempt to access, Confidential Information except under the Agreed Purposes.
(d) The Consumer may disclose the Provider's Confidential Information:
- (i) to comply with the Law;
- (ii) to any appropriate Regulatory or Supervisory Body;
- (iii) to their staff, who will be under a duty of Confidentiality;
- (iv) to NHS Bodies for the purposes of carrying out their statutory duties; and
- (v) as permitted or required for any NHS Counter-Fraud or Security Management processes.
Each Party agrees to be bound by the terms of this NDSA in the following circumstances:
(a) Where upon commencement of this NDSA and this NDSA having been made available to that Party, a Party continues to use GP Connect, such Party shall be subject to the terms of this Arrangement, which shall be deemed as having been accepted by and binding on that Party; and
(b) Where a new Party commences, or an existing Party makes changes to its use of GP Connect, that Party must confirm its acceptance of this NDSA via the Portal, or via any alternative mechanism as agreed by NHS England, prior to accessing any Shared Personal Data.
(a) A party may terminate this NDSA by ending its use of all Products available via GP Connect.
(b) The Parties agree that NHS England may issue written notice to terminate a Party's access to GP Connect in the event the Party commits a material breach of the Data Protection Legislation or the terms of this NDSA. For the avoidance of doubt, NHS England have the right to terminate access with immediate effect.
(c) Any data protection or confidentiality obligation imposed on a Party under this NDSA in relation to the Shared Personal Data will survive any termination or expiration of this NDSA.
(a) The Parties acknowledge and understand that NHS England has been directed under Section 254 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 by the Department of Health and Social Care to establish and operate GP Connect.
(b) Each Party hereby grants NHS England the right to enforce any of its rights under this NDSA against any other Party, which may include NHS England revoking a Party's access to any or all GP Connect Products. For the avoidance of doubt this right is granted in addition to the rights a Party has to enforce its rights under this NDSA itself against other Party, and the grant of such right to NHS England does not affect such Party's rights or ability to pursue any action independently of NHS England (recognising that only NHS England has the technical means to revoke a Party's access to GP Connect).
(c) Approved Private Providers accept that access to GP Connect is conditional on, upon request by NHS England, the provision of information equivalent to that which may be required from health and social care providers pursuant to s.259 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Failure to provide such information following a request by NHS England shall be considered a material breach of this NDSA.
(d) Any material breach of the Data Protection Legislation or the terms of this NDSA by a Party may result in termination of such Party's involvement in the NDSA and access to GP Connect.
(e) A person who is not Party to this NDSA shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this NDSA.
(a) All Parties acknowledge that its use of GP Connect is subject to the terms of this NDSA and that this NDSA may be updated only by NHS England.
(b) Any change to the terms of this NDSA, will be notified to the Parties, for example via a notice on the Portal or via other communications channels such as NHS England's 'GP and Practice Manager Bulletins' and continued use of GP Connect by a Party shall constitute that Party's acceptance of the terms of such revised NDSA.
This NDSA and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
Identity of Controller for each Category of Personal Data
NHS England
NHS England is responsible for the APIs which enables interoperability between Health and Social Care IT systems. For NHS England to support the service, audit data about the message transactions is collected and used for operational support purposes. NHS England is an independent Controller for the message audit data collected on Spine. Details of the audit are listed in the transparency material, which can be located at
NHS England is also responsible for the security of the content of the messages as they traverse NHS England infrastructure, ensuring that they are passed securely to and from Provider and Consumer IT systems. The content of the messages is not collected or stored by NHS England.
Providers are Controllers of the Shared Personal Data which they make available through GP Connect.
The Consumers become Controllers of any Shared Personal Data which they receive via GP Connect which is incorporated into their own record systems.
In certain limited circumstances, the Parties may act as joint controllers. Annex 3 details the specific processing the Parties may be acting as joint controllers.
Agreed Technical and Organisational Obligations
All Parties must:
Agree that they are subject to audits from NHS England to ensure that they meet the obligations of this NDSA and the AUP, which are available on the Portal. This may also include adherence to the Connection Agreement in the event an organisation develops its own IT software.
Engage in appropriate communications strategies to promote awareness of this data sharing within their patient cohorts.
Providers must:
Ensure that they are able to provide Data Subjects with an audit trail of access to their records upon request.
Consumers must:
Determine what Personal Data they require access to from the Shared Personal Data made available by the Provider, and the manner and format in which a record will be viewed.
Have appropriate role-based controls in place to ensure staff members (or classes of staff members) can access data appropriately.
Ensure the Personal Data retained is limited only to that necessary for the Agreed Purposes.
Agreed Purposes
The Shared Personal Data shall be Processed by the Parties only:
for the purposes of Direct Care as specified within this Arrangement, including for the purpose of medical diagnosis, treatment and social care and there is a legitimate relationship between the Patient and the Care Provider i.e., the patient must be receiving Direct Care from a registered health or social care professional, or other health or social care worker who is working under the authority of a registered health or social care professional;
in the context of the particular Product(s) selected by the Parties; and
for the purposes of the Direct Care use case as agreed with NHS England during the onboarding process;
for the purposes of the Medical Examiners Use Case;
together, the 'Agreed Purposes'
Legal basis for processing
The purpose of the Processing of the Shared Personal Data for Direct Care purposes is the delivery of Direct Care in the exercise of the duties of the relevant Controllers, supported by:
Article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR ("processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller");
Article 9(2)(h) of the UK GDPR ("processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services")
NHS England
The legal basis for NHS England's collection and Processing of Personal Data is Article 6(1)(c) ("processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation").
For the NHS Number and message content processing which may be considered special category data the legal basis for the processing is Article 9(2) (h) – "processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services" and Data Protection Act 2018, Schedule 1, Part 1, Paragraph 2, Sub paragraph (2) (f) – "the management of health care systems or services or social care systems or services".
Common Law Duty of Confidentiality
Common Law Duty of Confidence is met with 'implied consent' and by ensuring:
Explicit oral or written recorded consent is not required.
Data is shared for the purpose of Direct Care, and under these circumstances it is reasonable to use implied consent, and the appropriate conditions to support this are in place:
- The patient is being provided with Direct Care.
- Patients (or their representatives) should always be advised that their Personal Data is being shared via transparency notices.
- The patient (or their representative) has been informed of the data sharing and has not objected.
- All potential recipient organisations (Consumers and Providers) of the Shared Personal Data are subject to this NDSA and their own professional codes of confidentiality and are aware that any information received via GP Connect is provided in confidence, which must be respected.
Provided that the above conditions are met, it is reasonable to infer that the patient agrees to the data sharing.
Patients (or their representatives) have a right to object to this data sharing, upon such a request an assessment should be made by a clinician as to whether the processing is in the best interests of the patient or in the wider public interest.
Medical Examiners Use Case
Healthcare providers are legally obliged to provide Medical Examiners with medical records relating to deceased individuals for the purposes of reviewing a death. As these individuals are deceased they are not covered by UK GDPR, however, there are still obligations under the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality.
Medical Examiners have a legal right to access the records of deceased patients and there is a legal obligation for healthcare providers to provide the records to Medical Examiners under the Access to Health Records Act 1990. As such, the duty of confidentiality is overridden.
Duration of the Processing
Processing will continue until a Party withdraws from the NDSA or the NDSA is otherwise terminated, in accordance with clause 8.
In accordance with clause 5.2, Personal Data must not be retained except for instances where Shared Personal Data has been used to update the medical record of the patient for the purposes of Direct Care.
Nature of the Processing
GP Connect provides several Products which facilitate the sharing of Personal Data relating to patients between Providers and Consumers. The nature of the Processing for each Product is further described at
Type of Personal Data processed
Personal Data and Special Categories of Personal Data contained within a patient's clinical GP record, including:
Patient Data
- NHS number;
- Demographic details, including (but not limited to) age, race, ethnicity, gender, marital status;
- Medical Conditions and histories;
- Medication;
- Appointments;
Staff Data
- Names and roles of treating clinicians
Categories of Data Subject
- Patients and service users of health and social care services.
- Clinicians and other professionals involved in a patient or service user's care and wellbeing.
The NHS England Connection Agreement and End User Organisation Acceptable Use Policy, as may be updated from time to time, can be located here:
View the NHS England Connection Agreement
Download the End User Organisation Acceptable Use Policy
The Parties have determined that they are Joint Controllers of personal data covered in certain limited circumstances under this Agreement.
This Annex sets out the terms and arrangements applicable to the sharing between them of the data in respect of which they are Joint Controllers. These terms and arrangements only apply to the processing as set out in the purpose of the processing section in this Annex.
The legal basis, subject matter, duration, type and categories of Personal Data being shared remains as set out in the table at Annex 1: Sharing of Personal Data.
Joint Controller's Responsibility:
Purpose of the processing:
To enable an update from a healthcare provider directly to the patient's healthcare record to provide an update of the care or treatment delivered.
Responsibility | Provider (Sender) | Consumer (Receiver) |
Determine the means of processing | Yes | Yes |
Determine the purpose of processing | Yes | Yes |
Responsible for reporting a personal data breach to Information Commissioner and, where applicable, data subjects under Article 33 of the UK GDPR | No | Yes |
Response to the data subject in exercising their rights under UK GDPR, acting as a single point of contact for data subjects | No | Yes |
Providing information to the data subject: Articles 13 and 14 UK GDPR | Yes | Yes |
Publishing the Controller's responsibilities to ensure transparency | Yes | Yes |
Risk assessment of processing and implementing and maintaining appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to that risk | Yes | Yes |